AVC Repost: On the value of College Ed

A VC: Student Loans and the Education Bubble

Fred Wilson on what he does best - reflecting on important aspects of life and making solid arguments...this time about student loans and the value of a college education.

"I have made a tremendous return on my two degrees. Those student loans were an investment in me and they paid off big time. For the right student and the right institutions, there is no better investment that society can make than to pay for a high quality college and graduate education. Not only have I paid back the loans, but the Gotham Gal and I have made and continue to make generous gifts to a host of educational institutions. We will pay back the investments made in us many times over."

Brilliant - the future of bioinformatics

Such scenarios can and must be repeated en masse in the States. Kudos to the young scientist. Now America needs to replace the standardized and outdated math and science teams prevalent throughout its high schools with more focused and relevant bioscience efforts, teams and competitions...all to get a leg up on foreign competition in the technology education and high tech start-up space. We just need to introduce the subjects to the students and get them excited about the potential of this scientific space. Mr President, this is the tech space which may hold achievements as significant as a man walking on the moon and where the young generation should look forward to and be excited about, not the saturated Internet startup space with its tiny (if any) impact on benefiting civilization. Watch for more detailed proposals in future entries...
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