Ideas for healthy behavior change: a respiration-pattern measuring shirt

People with sleep disorders could certainly use something like this to establish a history of their sleep cycles over a few weeks, enabling them to perhaps correlate certain weekly or monthly events that, as part of their lifestyle, may be negatively or positively affecting their sleepcycles and thereby their very health. Perhaps an exploration of these events and the behavior leading up to them, with a doctor, may be more effective, in terms of cost and time, than a one-time sleep study at a specialist center.

Technology Review: The Authority on the Future of Technology

Start-up stories - a conference all about analyzing past scenarios

Originally found on Fred Wilson's VC blog. The event and its live broadcasts seem like great opportunities to broaden one's business case-study base. I'm interested in the failed cases, as a way to increase my understanding of the variety of factors contributing to failure.

A VC: Startup Lessons Learned

Medical AR, Part Two: A Google Maps for the body

Technology Review: The Authority on the Future of Technology

Great post on the efforts to create a digital map of the body, readily available online. An idea may be to combine the concept from the prior post on Microsoft's efforts in the same space. That is, integrate the two to create a searchable body map, customized to one's individual characteristics. This latter concept holds greater promise, as it is the more platform free one, being available online and all. Perhaps tablets and mobile could play a huge role here in the near future. As Ballmer put it (and as Jobs well knows), 'Developers, developers, developers'

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